How To Experience the Power of the Holy Spirit - 4 Ways

Do you want to see God at work?

Many think that seeing God at work is only for the chosen elite, thinking, “Only special people get to see the Spirit do extraordinary things in and through them. We see how special, uncommon it is in Acts 19:11 with Paul.”

But that’s not what Jesus taught about the Holy Spirit. He taught us that we can see God at work, both in and through us. No matter our abilities. No matter our education. No matter our position.

While God is at work in all sorts of unseen ways, and distributes special gifts like v11 as he sees fit…

Jesus taught us that there are 4 main places we can know for sure that the Holy Spirit promises and delights to work in and through all his people:

Do you want to see God at work through you? Jesus promised, “I will build my Church.” And he does that by his Spirit. So, as pastor Jordan has said, “Do you want to see God at work? Throw yourself into the Church.” When you encourage your brothers and sisters in Christ, testify the Scriptures to them, and help them grow… you do not work alone. Our Lord has promised to be present and working through your ministry. You are swimming with the current the Spirit drives.

Second, you will see God at work through you in evangelism. When you share the good news of Jesus with someone and invite them to find life in him… Jesus says it is God who draws people to himself and opens blind eyes. And when someone passes from death to life, they are born of the Spirit from above.

Do you want to see God at work through you? He has promised to do it. Throw yourself into the Church. Share the gospel.

Do you want to see God at work in you? He has promised that, too:

Do the work of growing in holiness: Where does righteous character come from? The fruit of the Spirit. As you work to till the soil of your heart to produce a godly harvest, Another works in you. In your inmost being.

The fourth way God promises to work in us by his Spirit… we see in Acts 19:

Nevertheless, I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you. And when he comes, he will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment.
John 16:7–8

God promises to work in and through you when you put sin to death.

“If by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live.”
Rom 8:13

Do you want to see the Holy Spirit at work in your inmost being? Cut. Off. Sin.

He will be at work in you!

And that’s just what we see in the final scene of Acts 19:1-20: God at work in his people, convicting them of sin and righteousness. And, by the Spirit, they repent.

This is what repentance looks like. Not just feeling bad about the consequences of sin. Not just feeling sorrow over the results. Repentance is turning our back on, renouncing our sin. And it leads us to take action against our sin. The Bible calls this "fleeing sinful lusts" and "making no provision for the flesh."

Do you want to see God’s power at work in you? Where are you harboring opportunity for sin?

  • Where in your digital life?

  • Where in your calendar?

  • In your finances?

  • In your speech?

If God is the greatest end (and he is) then, “let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.” (Heb 12:1-2)

Make no provision. Flee from evil. For God's honor. And to unburden your soul. And see God’s power at work in you!