We Are Committed To Kingdom Growth

Shoreline is committed to making the glory of God known to Southeastern CT. He has made us heirs with Christ and we want to invite everyone we can into His kingdom. We are thankful for your generous financial support of God’s work through Shoreline. Your giving enables us to proclaim the gospel, build disciples, and serve both the Lord and our community as we reach Southeastern CT with the transforming message of God's grace.

How You Can Give

Recurring Giving

If your finances allow it, we ask that you consider automating your giving, either through the link below or by automatic bank drafts. This is a benefit to both you and the church: Shoreline benefits because it helps us better plan our budgeting process and steward your kingdom investment wisely. You benefit because it simplifies your finances and helps you support your church more consistently.

Give Online

Conveniently and securely give online through Stripe. For automatic giving you can update your giving schedule and amount, or cancel scheduled giving using the below link.

Giving By Mail

If you prefer to give by mail, including setting up automatic payments from a banking account, please mail tithes and offerings to the church PO Box:

Shoreline Community Bible Church
P.O. Box 889
Waterford CT, 06385

Give In Person

When Shoreline gathers for worship each Sunday there is a giving box located on the Proclaim, Build, Serve table at the rear of the ballroom where tithes and offerings may be placed. The giving box is securely locked and is counted and deposited weekly by two Shoreline deacons.

Questions? Contact the Deacons of Finance

If you have any questions about Shoreline’s budget, finance policies, or how to give, please contact us at info@shorelinecbchurch.com and the deacons of finance will be happy to help you.


What Happens When You Give

Based on the 2024 budget, here’s what happens at Shoreline when you give 1 dollar:

15 Cents Supports Global Missions

  • We sponsor missionary Randy Matthews as he brings pastoral training to churches in disadvantaged communities on three continents so churches around the globe can better reach their communities with the gospel.

  • We support International Mission Board missionaries through the SBC Cooperative Program.

  • Through our local missions budget we invest in other local ministries. In the future we plan to also utilize this funding to support church planting.

19 Cents Gathers the Church for Worship

The chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy him forever. So Shoreline prioritizes the gathered worship of the church as we invest in our meeting space and supplies, Shoreline Kids, and equipment to support weekly worship.

52 Cents Supports Personal Ministry

Ministry is about people - it's done for people and it's done through people. Investing in our pastors and administrator provides the rich preaching, pastoral care, and long-term leadership our church needs to thrive.

3 Cents Funds Evangelism & Discipleship

Shoreline invests in evangelistic events and outreach to reach this community with the gospel, and in discipleship resources and events to deepen the faith of our congregation.

9 Cents Serves the Church through Administration

It's not always exciting, but solid accounting systems, office supplies, and insurance keep our ministry running smoothly year after year.

2 Cents Builds for the Future

Shoreline is looking to build a long-term gospel presence where we can continue to proclaim the gospel, build disciples, and serve the community. Shoreline’s location team has been carefully looking for a more permanent location for our church to worship and serve the Lord.