Studying the Book of Acts - Helps and Resources

Shoreline, as we preach through our sermon series in the Book of Acts, as you follow along you're sure to see something that you'd like to dig into a little deeper. Here are a few study resources you might find valuable in exploring the book of Acts, its background, and theology.

Shoreline Preaching Guide - Leading up to the beginning of the sermon series Pastor Dave wrote a preaching guide for himself and the other elder as they prepared to venture into the book. It discusses the books main themes, how to approach the narrative passages, its structure, examines all the conversion accounts, and more. Check it out to see a snippet "behind the scenes" of how Shoreline sermons are prepared.

The Maps at the Back of Your Bible - In the very first scene Jesus set the stage for geography to play a significant role on the book of Acts:

You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth. (Acts 1:8)

Most printed Bibles have maps detailing the routes traveled by the apostles as they spread the gospel of Jesus in just the way he prophesied. Following along geographically will help you see the fulfillment come to pass!

Bible Project Overview - The Bible Project gives substantive overviews of biblical books in a visual format. It's a helpful guide for those looking to quickly get an overview of the whole book to see where any particular passage "fits in." Check out Acts Overview Chapters 1-12 and Acts Overview Chapters 13-28. This is a great way to get “the big picture” of the book.

1-Sermon Overview - Mark Dever, pastor of Capitol Hill Baptist Church, has preached a 1-sermon overview of each book of the Bible. His sermon on Acts gives you the broad sweep of the book and looks to the major themes Christians should draw from it.

Preaching Source - A ministry of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary is designed to provide resources to preachers. Among their resources are journal articles and sermons on the book of Acts and overlapping themes. Check out the [archive on Acts] to dig into their rich library of resources.

Additional Resources from the Elders - The elders have compiled numerous commentaries, articles, and monographs on the book of Acts, its theology, and related topics. If you can't find what you're looking for, we can help! Contact us today to get started.